Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I got tagged.

I don't really have anything to blog about today and I'm exhausted cause I stayed up way to late to finish a book that I got involved in so I'll respond to the tag that I recieved.

7 Things I want to do before I die:
1. Visit France
2. Visit Australia
3. Have Children
4. Own my own home
5. Finish my degree
6. Learn to knit
7. Own my own business

7 Things I can do
1. Cross Stitch
2. Bake
3. Crochet
4. Math with or without numbers
5. Have great patience
6. Explain insurance terms in english
7. Play RPG's

7 Things I can't do
1. Knit
2. Make fudge
3. Play games that require quick hand movements
4. Walk out of a shoe store without a pair of shoes
5. Walk out of a bookstore without a book
6. Run
7. Diet

7 Things that attract me to a person
1. A nice smile
2. Honesty
3. Fidelity
4. Sparkling eyes
5. Compassion
6. Sense of Humor
7. Ability to laugh at oneself

7 Celebrity Crushes
don't currently have one but previous ones are:
1. Patrick Swayze
2. Mel Gibson
3. Sean Connery
4. Harrison Ford
5. Jean Claude VanDamme
6. Angel (character I know but couldn't help it)
7. Ron Perleman (loved beauty and the beast)

7 Things I say the most
1. I got to laughing...
2. What aren't you understanding?
3. Mischief!
4. Why?
5. Yes that is considered an accident and yes it is your fault.
6. Honey, Can you...?
7. I don't care what we eat.

7 bloggers I will tag:
I'm not going to do this part. Most of the bloggers that I read have already been tagged so I wouldn't have 7 anyway.


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