Monday, September 12, 2005

Stitching Frenzy

I had a wonderful trip to Rome on Saturday morning with Valerie. We hung out at Norwood's for quote a while cause Susan was in a talking mood. We played with Myrtle too. I ordered several things to take up that wonderful credit for turning in Cat's eye.

Valerie went on home after we got back. I decided to take a trip to Nease's cause Norwood's doesn't carry #5 perle cotton or Kreinick ombre or watercolours and I needed some of these for the new TW design. I also wanted to see Nease's new location. I was very warmly greeted. Susan was actually very glad to see me. After talking for a while, we realized that I hadn't been in for over a year and the last time she saw me was just before I went in to the hospital for surgery last September. I was there buying the perle cottons to work on dragon's quilt which I ended up working on and finishing during my recovery from surgery. I didn't realize it had been that long. She was actually worried that I had passed away cause she knew the kind of pain I was in as I couldn't even stand up straight the last time she saw me.

While talking, she said that she was looking for a stitcher to organize the cross stitch area and asked if I would be willing to come in on a Saturday and help with that. She also mentioned that she might be looking for some more shop models since she will now have more wall space and since I had done 2 for her would I be willing to do more. I kind of side-stepped this question because 3 of my 9 projects this year were shop models that I'm not getting back and 4 of the remaining 6 are shop models that are being shown for 6 months. It would be nice to keep something for my wall this year :). I did let her know that there may be other people in the group that might be interested too and she seemed receptive to that idea which was nice. She also said that she'd trying very hard to get some cross stitchers back to her stitching night and asked if I would come on Thursday and let my stithcing group know about it. I did post about it and I am going to go on Thursday and at least get the feel of the people that are already there so I can see if I want to do that again. She only does this 1 night a month so it might not be too bad.

After getting home, I started stitching on Crabapple Dragon again. I am making wonderful progress and I need to upload the progress picks into my webshots album tonight if my internet isn't still on the fritz.

I didn't realize that I had gotten so involved in my stitching until I looked at the bookshelf last night and realized that there were over a dozen books there that I have bought in the last two months and not read. That's the first time I've had more than 6 on that shelf in years!

Mood: stitching frenzy


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